Jul 3, 2019

Doopy Duck Halloween comic, p.16 - 20

The thrilling conclusion...


  1. Perhaps it is time, at long last, to dust off my commentary shoes, and tap dance out a few lines on this here Internet Blog-O-Matic of yours. Verily, I have partook of this duck noir, of yours, and the verdict is in.


    Actually, I just wanted to say that. Be that as it may, I liked it. But, do I LOVE it?

    Well, both yes AND no. I loved it, because your comic work reeks of utter genius! You are a MASTER of multiple facets of your artistic trade. No doubt about it! This piece, like so many of your other undertakings in comic form, absolutely ooze with talent, skill, and wit honed to a razor's edge. And did I mention your abject mastery, when it comes to the fine art of dialogue?

    This was a fun little tale, a traipse through the what's possible of Tim Rocks' imagination-meets-dull-characters.

    Say, what?!

    Doopy Duck is no Scrooge McDuck, that's for sure! He does remind me, somewhat, of old man McDuck's nephew, Donald. I was never as big of a fan of Donald as I was of Unca/Uncle Scrooge.

    "But this ain't that, see?" said the artist man.

    Yeah, yeah, I know, I know!

    In fairness, though, just how "interesting" can a handful of characters be, when you're only one issue in? Would I read a second issue of this, were it to ever materialize from Tim's Bag 'O Instant Tricks?

    Oh, sure. Certainly! Absolutely! Positively!

    BUT. . .

    Your artistic skills, your hand-lettering, your special effects lettering, your dialogue - Those are ALL off the scale! You're an artistic Godzilla, where those things are concerned. Even your coloring is nothing to be trifled with.

    Why, then, are you able to breathe life into characters so easily, yet they all too often come across as lifeless, in the sense of connecting with me? You know what I think, Tim? You're terrible at casting.

    Hahahahaha! I can't believe that I really said that, because you are so insanely brilliant at bringing an array of characters to life in your comics. You are at least as talented as Carl Barks - but there is something out of kilter. Otherwise, how do you explain why your stuff isn't killing it in the Popularity With The World Department? Man for man or duck for duck, his characters were, all other artistic skills being equal, more likable than yours.

    At the individual level, I mean.

    This duck noir tale hasn't yet fleshed out the world in which these ducks of good character live and exist, to any large degree. There is no Duckburg equivalent - yet. Goldbug had the wealth, which raised the specter of Scrooge McDuck in my comic ever-loving mind. Yet, that vast tool of imaginative monetary excess isn't present, here. The money bin - one could NEVER see enough of McDuck's money bin. By comparison, here in the Duck Realm of Rocks, there is no counterpart.

    [TO BE CONTINUED] [NOTE: The blog's word count limit for comments requires that I split my response, in order to post the entire off-the-cuff commentary of Old Man Yours Truly - Sorry!]


    And these weasels (They are weasels, aren't they?), how do they compare to McDuck's arch foes, the Beagle Boys?

    They. Don't.

    Maybe they could. Maybe they will.


    And, I'm not totally dense. Not entirely. Not just yet. You aren't reinventing the wheel. In a nutshell, "This ain't Duckburg," Charles.

    You think that I don't already know that, Tim?

    Can I call you Tim?

    No words of mine could ever do you proper justice, Mister Rocks. Your mastery exceeds any ability of mine to critique to the fullest of my abilities. I am just a shadow to your grand monuments to artistic prowess. I pale in comparison, even as I stand in awe of the grandiose majesty of all that you have created which comes before my eyes.

    Who can best you in the exploitation of skill sets such as visual exaggeration and intellectual heft? Not one single person comes to mind.

    Your ability to instill and convey with is exquisite! Your work that I have encountered is predominantly is heavy on the serious, side. This isn't a bad thing, certainly. However, maybe that is your destiny, fate's price for your advanced prowess being that the light-hearted must be sacrificed upon the altar of the artistic gods - a cruel trick!

    Or maybe I simply lack appreciation for your light-hearted fare.

    It's not as though nothing on display here is of the light-hearted variety. Your work is always beautiful, each one a masterpiece in its own right.

    YET. . .

    Something is still missing. For me, anyway. But, I am merely an audience of just one.

    You know what else it could be, Tim? It could just be nothing more than that you haven't found the right character, yet, that syncs you with your readership-yet-to-be.

    Regardless, in the meantime, I ever remain a fan of your work. Truly, it is incredible in so many different ways.

    I say that, sincerely.

    - Charles -

  3. Get it available for order, and I'll order a copy.

  4. Wow, thanks for that extensive review Charles! Very interesting ideas I'll have to think about. (Would've replied sooner, just missed it in the blog interface/ comments section.)
