Jul 12, 2018

GoldBug Joins a Cult - Ep. 1

Notes: Just FYI, not that anyone cares, but I am writing this saga of the Bug "as it goes along," i.e. it's not all pre-scripted beforehand. Sort of feel like I'm walking on a high-wire compared to the security of knowing the story has all been worked out beforehand.


  1. Excellent! No scripts, just pure, unadulterated by the seat of your pants story-telling.

    The drought is over, at long last! Long live the drought!

    I look forward to it.

  2. Is there no share button in this place?

  3. Thanks Charles. The Blogger share buttons did not work very well so I took them off. Maybe you can copy and paste the page address and post it anywhere you want to share it?
